I'm from California... born and raised. As such I enjoy a good burrito now and then. Little did I know on my most recent trip to Taqueria Vallarta in Felton, would place me smack dab in the middle of a battle between good and evil of biblical proportions. Oh, even though I am from California, I still say things like "smack dab" (my grandparents were from Oklahoma and South Dakota). Anyway, back to God and Satan and all that. Look at my order number:

Oh, man. I think it is a sign. The odds of getting this number are 1 in a million. Really. I did the math. How often is something actually 1 in a million? I mean, you hear that phrase all the time, but to actually be "1 in a million" is pretty crazy... on top of the fact good and evil are in a play here.
OK, that's it... I feel better now that I blogged that out.
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